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Go on a Guided Tour of Local Olive Groves and Farms to Learn About the Region’s Agricultural Heritage

Ostuni, Italy is not only famous for its stunning architecture and beautiful beaches, but also for its agricultural heritage. The region is known for its olive groves, vineyards, and farms that produce high-quality products with a rich history. Visiting these farms and olive groves can provide a unique opportunity to learn about the area’s rich agricultural heritage, taste local flavors, and experience the beauty of the countryside. In this article, we’ll explore the history and tourism related to the area’s agricultural offerings, share some recommendations for tours, and uncover some little-known facts about the region’s agricultural traditions.

History: From Ancient Times to Modern Days

The history of agriculture in Ostuni and the surrounding area dates back to ancient times, with evidence of olive cultivation and wine production dating back to the Bronze Age. Over the years, the area’s agricultural traditions have been influenced by different cultures and traditions, resulting in a unique blend of practices and flavors. The region’s olive oil, for example, is characterized by its fruity flavor and peppery finish, a result of the blending of different varieties of olives. Today, agriculture remains an important part of the local economy, with many farms and groves continuing to use traditional methods and organic practices.

Tourism: Exploring the Countryside and Farms

For travelers who want to experience the beauty of the countryside and learn about the area’s agricultural heritage, there are plenty of tours and opportunities to visit local farms and olive groves. These tours can range from small, family-run farms to larger commercial enterprises, with something for every taste and budget. Visitors can learn about the different varieties of crops, witness the cultivation processes, and taste the delicious products. In addition, many farms and groves also offer workshops and classes, allowing visitors to learn how to make cheese, bread, and other traditional products.

Recommendations: Some of the Best Tours and Groves

If you’re planning to visit Ostuni and explore the area’s agricultural heritage, here are some of the best tours and olive groves to consider:

  • Guided tours at the Masseria Brancati: This beautiful farmhouse is set in the heart of an olive grove, and offers unique guided tours and tastings of extra-virgin olive oil and other local products. Visitors can witness the production process, learn about the different varieties of olives, and taste the delicious oil.
  • Educational tours at the Organic Farm Mandranova: This organic farm is an excellent spot to learn about the area’s agricultural traditions and practices. Visitors can take part in guided tours, classes, and tastings of local products, such as olives, wine, and cheese.
  • Chiara’s Tours: These tours are run by Chiara, a passionate local who knows the area inside out. Her tours are personalized to each visitor’s preferences, and can include visits to olive groves, farms, and wineries. Chiara’s tours are an excellent way to experience the local culture and learn about the area’s rich history.

Unknown Facts: Little-Known Aspects of Ostuni’s Agricultural Heritage

Despite its fame as an agricultural region, Ostuni’s farming traditions and practices hold many secrets and lesser-known facts. For example, did you know that the region’s olive oil is a key ingredient in many traditional dishes, such as orecchiette with turnip greens, and friselle with tomatoes? Or that the area is famous for its cheeses, such as the burrata and mozzarella, which are made with fresh, locally-sourced milk? Another interesting fact is that the area’s vineyards produce some of the finest wines in Italy, such as the Primitivo and the Negroamaro. Exploring these hidden aspects of Ostuni’s agricultural heritage can add depth and meaning to your visit, allowing you to connect with the local culture and history.


A visit to Ostuni is not complete without exploring the area’s rich agricultural heritage. From olive groves, wineries, and farms to local production of cheese and bread, there is a lot to discover and taste. Whether you’re a foodie, history buff, or simply looking to connect with the beauty of the countryside, a guided tour of the area’s farms and